La campanya subliminal del SI

Mireu la campanya de l´estatut atentament.
Avui un amic meu entés en publicitat, m´ha fet veure que clarament l´anunci de campanya de la Generalitat, utilitza publicitat subliminal per animar a la gent a votar SI.
Segons la seva opinió aquesta tàctica de posar la paraula que vols "introduir" a la ment de la gent als anuncis és l´a, b , c de la publicitat subliminal o sigui que no s´hi han matat massa.
Només afegir que la gran majoria de gent del món de la publicitat, rebutjen aquesta pràctica perquè la troben altament poc ètica ja que s´entra en terrenys perillosos.
Si creieu que m´estic tornant boig, feu una ullada a aquesta pàgina que és la prova del "delicte".
Espero els vostres comentaris a veure que en penseu.
ui no et creguis xavi, torres més altes han caigut, no crec que es tracti d'una qüestió d'inteligència o no del psc, opino que tots els partits apliquen aquestes tàctiques constàntment
dimecres, 14 de juny, 2006
Mireu l´enllaç que he posat.
Posar la paraula que vols "inculcar" a la gent amagada a l´anunci és el paradigma de la publicitat subliminal.
dimecres, 14 de juny, 2006
La publicidad mala en este anuncio es que se anima a la participación. Tan simple como eso. Lo que está prohibido por la ley electoral, ya que solo se puede indicar cuando será el referendum y ma da más. Animar a votar es contrario a nuestros derechos constitucionales que nos permiten la abstención.
Maragall sabe ya que el sí va a ganar, lo que ahora quiere es que su victoria sea aplastante.
Esa es una de la razonoes de la agresividad del PSC en sus lemas electorales. Quieren aumentar la participación electoral a cualquier coste.
Un saludo cordial
Rafael (Málaga)
dimecres, 14 de juny, 2006
Marc, he mirat l'enllaç... i les pàgines que segueixen a continuació. Han demostrat que nosequantes cançons d'un disc son diabòliques perque les seves xifres sumen 9. Ke no se kina cançó d'un disc és satànica i invoca al dimoni perque et suïcidis... etc. Pel que sembla es tracta d'una secta de fanàtics.
Val que la publicitat subliminal existeix, però aquest no és el cas. També es pot dibuixar la paraula NO. ¿No t'hi has fixat?
dissabte, 17 de juny, 2006
A typical dictionary definition of hypnosis states that it is: a state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion. However, anyone who has tried hypnosis (and any self respecting hypnotist) will tell you that this is a very simplistic view of the subject!
A much better description comes from the Free Online Dictionary which states that hypnosis is: an artificially induced state of consciousness, characterised by heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction. So what does this mean and how can it be used to your advantage?
Well, the subject of hypnosis has been discussed and pondered since the late 1700s. Many explanations and theories have come and gone though science, however, has yet to supply a valid and well-established definition of how it actually happens. It's fairly unlikely that the scientific community will arrive at a definitive explanation for hypnosis in the near future either, as the untapped resources of our 'mostly' uncharted mind still remain something of a mystery.
However, the general characteristics of hypnosis are well documented. It is a trance state characterized by extreme suggestibility, deep relaxation and heightened imaginative functioning. It's not really like sleep at all, because the subject is alert the whole time. It is most often compared to daydreaming, or the feeling you get when you watch a movie or read a captivating book. You are fully conscious, but you tune out most of the outside world. Your focus is concentrated intensely on the mental processes you are experiencing - if movies didn't provide such disassociation with everyday life and put a person in a very receptive state then they would not be as popular (nor would TV advertising be as effective!). Have you ever stated that a film wasn't great because you just couldn't 'get into it'???
This works very simply; while daydream or watching a movie, an imaginary world becomes almost real to you because it fully engages your emotional responses. Such mental pursuits will on most occasions cause real emotional responses such as fear, sadness or happiness (have you ever cried at a sad movie, felt excited by a future event not yet taken place or shivered at the thought of your worst fear?).
It is widely accepted that these states are all forms of self-hypnosis. If you take this view you can easily see that you go into and out of mild hypnotic states on a daily basis - when driving home from work, washing the dishes, or even listening to a boring conversation. Although these situations produce a mental state that is very receptive to suggestion the most powerful time for self-change occurs in the trance state brought on by intentional relaxation and focusing exercises. This deep hypnosis is often compared to the relaxed mental state between wakefulness and sleep.
In this mental state, people feel uninhibited and relaxed and they release all worries and doubts that normally occupy their mind. A similar experience occurs while you are daydreaming or watching the TV. You become so involved in the onscreen antics
dijous, 03 d’agost, 2006
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